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Actions done by ClubReady

Once you submit the form to re-open your studio, ClubReady will review your site and ensure the following items are completed (if applicable):

  • Draft turned on
  • Remits turned on
  • Ability to refund on

Other items that may be completed by ClubReady:

  • Unfreeze agreements (if bulk frozen by CR)
  • Extend User expirations “X” days


Current status of studio and steps needed to be taken

1) Draft OFF, Memberships Frozen Indefinitely by ClubReady

  • ClubReady will ensure the draft, remit and ability to refund is on.
  • ClubReady will unfreeze all memberships frozen by ClubReady staff.
  • Invoices and membership expiration dates will be pushed out the number of days the studio was frozen.
  • Any agreements frozen by the studio will need to be unfrozen by the studio.
  • Session credits will be adjusted based on the number of days or date you provide ClubReady staff.


2) Draft OFF, Memberships Frozen/Invoices manually adjusted by studio

  • ClubReady will ensure the draft, remit and ability to refund is on.
  • The studio will need to unfreeze all memberships. Our tool to bulk unfreeze memberships only works on the accounts that were bulk frozen by ClubReady.
  • Session credits will need to adjusted based on the number of days or date you provide ClubReady staff. There are now additional tools available to adjust session credit expiration dates and membership expiration dates


3) Draft ON, Memberships Frozen Indefinitely by ClubReady

  • ClubReady will unfreeze all memberships frozen by ClubReady staff.
  • Invoices and membership expiration dates will be pushed out the number of days the studio was frozen.
  • Alternatively, studios can unfreeze memberships individually, as needed.


4) Draft ON, Memberships Frozen/Invoices manually adjusted by studio

  • ClubReady will review your site to ensure the draft, remit and ability to refund is on.
  • The studio should review any frozen accounts and unfreeze as needed


5) Draft ON, Memberships put on “Do Not Draft”

  • ClubReady will review your site to ensure the draft, remit and ability to refund is on.
  • “Do Not Draft” on membership agreements only prevents the invoice from being drafted, these invoices may have incurred late fees. Late fee invoices will need cancelled and invoice due dates, membership expiration dates, and session credit expiration dates will need pushed out.
    • There are now additional tools available to adjust session credit expiration dates and membership expiration dates.
    • If invoices need to be adjusted, the studio will need to adjust invoices accordingly.


6) Draft ON, Membership Dues Reduced

  • ClubReady will review your site to ensure the draft, remit and ability to refund is on.
  • Using the Invoices Coming Due or Member List reports below, check invoices for amounts below the standard EFT amount and make any necessary invoice adjustments.



Important Reports:

Invoices Coming Due – shows future invoice dates and amounts

Frozen Members – shows all current, frozen members

Past Due Invoices – shows any invoice that may be past due

Member List *** – shows entire ACTIVE member list, as well as the next payment due date and invoice amount

***Use columns AO and AP to check next payment due date and next payment amount, in case any invoice amount was adjusted and needs to be changed back to the normal membership dues amount.

Important How-To Articles

Freeze or Unfreeze a Membership

Adjust Invoices

Adjust Membership Status

Adjust Session Credit Expiration

Refund an Invoice

ClubReady Tools

- Bulk Update Users

- User Expiration

- Credit Expiration

- Product Uploads

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