Most often, when a fitness studio or health club marketer thinks of social media, lead generation is usually top of mind.
While it is true that a significant benefit of many social platforms is that they make an excellent adjunct to other marketing channels, perhaps the biggest benefit of using social media is helping build stronger relationships with current customers. In fact, Bain & Co. found that a 10 percent increase in customer retention levels results in a 30 percent increase in the value of a company.
Here are nine ways you can use your social media to help boost retention (remember to always ask members to like, share, etc.):
1. Educate Them. If you have a new class or piece of equipment, let them know about it. Tell them how to sign up or what the piece of equipment does. Having a special event? Share that as well. The one thing you don’t want to do is turn your social platforms into a stream of ads.
2. Listen Up. Don’t just “talk” on social media. Follow your customers, set up alerts for your club’s name, or come up with a hashtag that represents your studio. Read what they are saying about you, about your competition, about their fitness interests. Often, they won’t complain to you that the club is cold or the classes are too easy, but they will let their followers and friends know it. If your members seem interested in American Ninja Warrior, give them an obstacle-course class. Listen to what they want and they will stay members for a long time.
3. Know Your Fans. By using the same social listening methods to find out what your members are talking about, you may find that you have some unyielding advocates. Engage them and have them help spread the word to other members to help build a stronger relationship with them and all your members.
4. Provide Customer Service. In today’s instant gratification world, providing customer service via your social channels can help members feel appreciated and part of something of real value. But be sure that if you are using your Facebook or Twitter account for customer service that you have someone monitoring it for customer comments—nothing will drive customers away more quickly than feeling ignored.
5. Run a Contest. Bring your members into your social world by hosting a contest. Maybe it’s a scavenger hunt on Facebook. Maybe a pic of a favorite healthy dish on Instagram. Whatever you choose and however you run it, be sure to promote it and have your members use a hashtag and your “handle” to make sure it is seen and shared.
6. Post and Tag. Pictures of classes, outings, and events can help members stay in touch with the club and each other, even when they aren’t confined to the four walls.
7. Share Successes. Sure, you see your members taking selfies and bragging about how well they are doing. But don’t let them go it alone. If a member is training for a marathon, let people know. When they complete it, let your network know. Brag about them and how you, your staff, and your club helped them reach that goal. Nothing connects more with members than the success of other members.
8. Make Groups. Groups can be a powerful way for club members to interact and bond. Encourage members to make the groups themselves. Have a loyal group that is there when the club opens for the day? Create a group. Does Zumba, yoga, or another class have a large following? Have the instructors encourage a group where they can talk about the class, food, whatever they’d like.
9. Make an Event an Event. From something as simple as launching a new class or having a member-appreciation party, it is a smart play to create an event on Facebook. This will not only show members that other members are interested, but it will make even the simplest of things seem extra special.
Social media alone won’t boost retention, but added to your retention-nurturing mix, it can be a valuable, low-cost tool for increasing retention.
What social media tricks have you tried in order to boost retention at your club or studio?