Texts Can Drive High Profits 

In a previous blog post, we discussed how to 'Drive Leads With Facebook'  Much like Facebook Lead Ads,  text or sms based messaging is now considered a highly engaging marketing tactic. 

As an owner, manager or employee,  you understand that personal touch points drive value and can increase the opportunity in closing a sale. While email can be less intrusive and more casual, phone calls give you the direct access and opportunity to speak with an individual.  When it comes to texting it falls between the two, it is the perfect way to blend both the email and phone call.  One significant difference though between the two is that text messages have a 98% open and rate, while email is at 22% or below and phone calls can easily be ignored. 

Texts are Powerful

When it comes to texting it is good to live by the less is more rule. In today's society of Twitter and Facebook, people are more a custom to reading shortened message. A general rule of text based marketing is 160 characters or less.  Keep the message short, but personal for a higher return. Whether you touching base for a member who has missed a class, following up on a lead or promoting an item it is extremely important to deliver something that is relevant to that individual.  Your return will never pay off if you have not established a rapport.    Texting should not be the first point of contact with an individual but a follow-up or reminder.  Additionally, texts should always contain a link where an individual can find more information about what was sent in the text.  Landing pages linked to a campaign that may be executed via text messages can drive higher points of new customer conversions. More on landing pages and campaigns in future blog posts. 

Text & SMS follow-up features are another powerful solution built into ClubReady. Experience the ClubReady difference by Taking a Tour or Requesting a Demo of ClubReady.

Key Takeaways

  • Keep it relevant, the more relevant to the person the higher the response.
  • Keep it short and simple, remember 160 characters or less
  • Drive your audience to a point to where they can convert as a client, receive their offer or details supporting the text.