A few real-life, new GYM HQ client examples of overspending.
“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not: the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.” -- Calvin Coolidge
We’re always striving for better-- better solutions, better service, and better support because good is never good enough.
The few minutes you spend reviewing the I-9 could potentially save you thousands of dollars in the future.
Be present in the club. Build the culture in your club yourself and make sure you are in the club working with the employees, members, and guests.
As promised, our third and final article on employee recognition highlights businesses successfully utilizing non-traditional methods of rewards and recognition. While some of these may not be a great fit for your business model, I hope they encourage you to think creatively when contemplating a recognition program for your team.
As promised, our third and final article on employee recognition highlights businesses successfully utilizing non-traditional methods of rewards and recognition. While some of these may not be a great fit for your business model, I hope they encourage you to think creatively when contemplating a recognition program for your team.
Aside from guidance on the use of 1099 Independent Contractors, exempt vs. non-exempt employee classification is perhaps the most popular topic amongst fitness business owners that our HR team fields here at GYM HQ.
While installing a rewards and recognition program does take effort, it need not be overly complex or time-consuming. And the positive effects are invaluable!
If you’re like most employers, you’re aware that there is a Federal Medical Leave Act (FMLA), but since it’s not something that tends to come up a lot in the day-to-day running of your business, that is where your understanding ends. However, as with all employment law, ignorance offers neither bliss or a free pass from the consequences of getting it wrong.
The fitness industry is ALL about service first. While your facilities may boast the latest in advanced technology or the best in equipment, it’s your people and their interactions with your members that matter most.
The minute you stop advancing, you will be passed by someone who is. New classes, new equipment, and reinvention of your offerings are a day-to-day operation.
Reading about the latest and greatest health trends means you probably happen upon the term superfood from time to time.
If you're of a certain age, you probably remember a time when workout videos were “all the rage.”
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