When managing a health club or fitness studio, an owner can drown in the reporting and analytics available.
But, of course, it is essential to define and measure goals to ensure your company is on a successful path. This is especially true when it comes to sales metrics for your studio.
Here are the six key sales stats you should be tracking to streamline your health club’s reporting while keeping your finger on the pulse of your businesses sales.
1. Total sales by period.
The first thing to track is your sales based on time, such as sales month to date. What are they for the quarter? How are they for the year? You can even delve deep by tracking by week or day. Tracking sales by period will help you know exactly how well you're performing. Compare these numbers to the prior period and you’ll have a clear picture of how well you are doing and if you need to get to work fixing some aspects of your sales process.
2. Leads.
Sure, this stat could technically fall under marketing. But you can’t have sales without leads. It is vital to your sales pipeline to ensure your marketing and sales team are generating leads. This will help you evaluate your advertising spend and your overall messaging to ensure there is a steady stream of prospects for your sales staff to talk with and help see the value of your studio.
3. Appointments set.
While leads are great, what is the quality of the leads? One of the best ways to track the quality of your leads—and your nurturing and sales follow-up process—is by tracking the number of appointments your health club is generating from those leads.
4. Appointment-to-show ratio.
Setting appointments is vital to growing sales, but if prospects don’t come into the club for a tour or a trial, those appointments are useless. This statistic is an excellent way to uncover holes in your sales staff’s rapport-building and attention to detail. Even if you are selling memberships online, having potential members come to the club for a tour and to meet with a sales or membership representative can have a significant impact on your overall numbers.
5. Show-to-close ratio.
If your sales staff isn’t closing the deal, then your club is not going to be successful, no matter how many appointments your team is setting. This statistic can shed valuable insight on the effectiveness of your sales team’s skills, opening an opportunity for you to coach your team and set tour and presentation standards. It can also help shed light on issues in your club that are brought up in objections, from pricing to outdated equipment.
6. Sales by lead source.
Once again, in the end, sales come down to leads generated. But, taking it a step further, tracking the lead source for sales can shed valuable insight on the best use of your marketing and advertising dollars. If you see more leads close from email marketing than from an ad in the local paper, you can reallocate the funds to other sources such as Google AdWords or social media ads. Are referrals driving new sales? If not, you are missing out on a relatively low-cost opportunity to turn your members into evangelists and grow your sales.
Tracking the numbers of your sales department is paramount to not only understanding the health of your business but to helping you improve the processes in place to keep your health club growing.
What numbers are you tracking in your business?